A part time live out nanny with own car who can come to our house at
7.30 each morning and ensure the children age 9 and 12 are ready for
school. Then drive the youngest to primary school 10 miles away. Then
in the afternoon pick the youngest up from school at 3.15 and drive
him home and supervise homework, prepare dinner and do some light
house work .
Hours are around 20 per week and break down as 7.30-9.00 and 15.15
-18.15 Monday to Thursday and 7.30-9.00 and 15.15 – 17.00 Friday.
In addition there will be school holiday work which will be longer
days and the flexibility to look after the children if they are ill
and not able to go to school. ASAP. £10.00 gross an hour.